Thursday, February 27, 2014

Quote Bible Cover

My Bible has a clear cover, which is sweet because then I can change it whenever! 

So this is what my previous cover looked like...

I had done this painting based off a picture I found on Pinterest. I really felt like it clashed with my new journal. 

So what did was I found some pink card stock and painted one if my current favorite quotes on it!

This is a really quick project, but so worth it! I try to spend as much time in the Word as I can, so why not make it fun and personal! Besides, courage is hard but soooo important! 

Joshua 1:7-8
Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave to you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it then you will be prosperous and successful. 

Love Becca

(journal is from:, brand is Grafika) 

DIY Daisy Shorts

I caught the summer fever! All I want to do is swim, eat ice cream and daydream!
Summer is the best time of year because it is pretty much impossible to be mad when you are surrounded by flowers and sunny skies! 

My issue is that it is February and zero degrees outside...and I don't even want to build a snowman because it is so cold. 

So I decided to recreate these shorts I found on Pinterest! 

I promise a DIY like this will brighten any day (no matter how much snow!)

Daisys are my favorite flower (I even had a cat named Daisy because I love them so much) And I just so happened to have some high-waisted shorts from Goodwill, so I channeled my inner hippie/ freespirit and painted some flower shorts! 

 (Here's how they turned out!)

I only did one side because I'm creative like that (just kidding, I was just not patient enough to do both sides) and it makes them a little different from the Pinterest shorts.

*embrace your inner flower child*

Love Becca 

My crafty approach to life...

My tentative plan for this blog is to share my crafty/creative approach to life!

My philosophy is that handmade/homemade is always best! I come from a history rich in bakers, sewers, artists, growers, writers, healers, teachers, etc. I have loved all of these things from when I was a young girl. I was always painting, writing poetry, making mud pies (and real pies, yum!), and teaching my stuffed animals. As I have gotten older I still express my self through all these outlets (except maybe poetry...) 

I want to share my interests with you like my "life hacks", DIY's, recipes, and more through my personal paintings and pictures (because I'm creative like that)!

Hopefully you will be inspired and maybe even embrace some of my crazy ideas :)

Love Becca

(This is me in my natural college habitat)