a crafty approach to life

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Cleaning

It started out that I was just going to do my laundry today, but now I think I am going to clean everything out! And sort through clothes and extra stuff.

Over the past summer as we were moving to our new house, I got rid of almost half the stuff in my room. Including basically anything I had in excess. From clothes, papers, shoes, and a lot more, it just felt good to downsize.

Now living in an dorm room I feel like stuff accumulates even faster. And because it is spring (and the weather is starting to feel like it too!) I want to have less clutter and just be able to enjoy the last part of the school year! 

Here are some progress shots. As you can probably tell I usually make more of a mess than before when I declutter, but it is totally worth it in the end!

Here is my plan of attack:
1. Laundry
2. Sort through clothes
3. Clean under my bed
4. Get rid of old papers 
5. Redo my wall by my bed 
6. Take all trash out
7. Re-organize 

Look everything is where it should be now! And I know it is hard to tell but you can see the top of my desk!!! (That is really rare for me!) 

Last word of advice on dorms, STAY ORGANIZED! It seriously helps!

Love Becca 

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